Saturday 9 November 2013

Why Glory Room?

And you may think why the name "Glory Room"? It is a space we are creating where we can share our insights and experiences with The Lord with all of you so that we can all grow together. It is a Room in satellite space where we will explore our Glory experiences so that HE may be glorified even more. Glory is multiplication of His Presence and even as we send these posts out to you - you will become hotspots for the glory of God. Myles Munroe rightly puts it this way "If we want to see the glory of God we must live in the presence of God".
We begin from Bethel, Redding - great place to start. Bethel in the Bible was a place where Jacob met with the Angel of God and was changed forever. His name was changed and God sealed Him as a nation - imagine you as a man or woman of God becoming into a nation or even a city. People will talk about you like this - 'Hey Natasha is now known as India or Kim is now known as Manipur.' Wow! Jacob was left with a limp - physically and spiritually undone by The Lord. How about you being totally wrecked and undone by His Presence? We would like that to happen to all of us! When this happens - we will live in constant obedience to His voice and forever yielding to His Presence, available to Him for the destiny He has purposed for us.
Our prayer is that Glory Room will become a place for all of us to hang out where we will see the Grace of the Father lavishly being poured out on each one; where we will see the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Bride and where we will have the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit - our comforter and counsellor on earth!
We love you all and may we all see Him in His Glory,
Manisha & Natasha


  1. I simply love to come to this Glory Room n experience the presence of the Almighty

  2. Great work you daughters of the Most High God ! Praise n glory to His Holy name !

  3. Soaking in His presence gives real meaning to life. Nothing on this earth can compare to the experience of His Glory!!!!!

  4. Yes! Glory to unto Him. More of His presence! Thank you! Love you both!

  5. I simply love visiting The Glory Room as it is full of new inspirations and teachings. I love to go through the Blog Archives, Books Recommended and the favorite websites.
    Its a real spiritual treat that I cherish.
    Kudos to the two of you for Spreading the Word thus
