Friday, 29 November 2013

Contending For Breakthrough Part 2

       In our quest for more of Him, very few will make the move towards the Holy of Holies - the secret place of the Most High. Not because it is not available to them, but due to the fact they will not stay the course long enough to get there. Jacob endured as a lover, waiting for Rachael fourteen years, but that was not enough. He stayed the course and pursued the greatest lover of all - The God of his ancestors Abraham and Isaac.
       His invitation to enter the Holy of Holies came in Genesis 28, where he dreamt of a ladder, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. The promise he received in that invitation, would mark his life forever. With every invitation comes a price to pay. He wrestled with God all night. Just before daybreak comes the darkest hour of the night. Surely, the Dark Nights are for those who are serious about living at a higher spiritual level. They are not for the faint of heart.
       Jacob accepted the invitation to a deeper walk with the Lord in Genesis 28 and in Genesis 32, he was about to pay the price for encountering God in a unique way. He would not let go of Him until He declared a blessing over him. In His relentless pursuit of God, a divine exchange took place at that moment. In response to Jacob's desperation and hunger for Him, God renamed him Israel- he who prevails victoriously with God. In Jewish culture, a name defines a person's destiny. It was as if in that moment of time, which was until daybreak for Jacob, God erased his past, defined his future and left him with a disjointed thigh in the present - the price he paid for pressing towards the upward call in God. Jacob got a new name, signifying that from now on he would walk in his God given destiny, a destiny God had already appointed for him while he was in his mother's womb. He also had a new limp, a continual reminder of his unique encounter which left him without the fear of man, but in the awesome fear of God. It was not as if Elohim was literally overpowered by Jacob, but in His grace He allowed him to hang on, seeing that Jacob’s faith and understanding were growing as he clung to Him. Jacob found out that you do not get anywhere with God by struggling and resisting; the only way that you get anywhere with Him is by yielding and just holding on to Him.
       This passage serves as a challenge to move into higher realms of intimacy, even through the deepest, darkest times of your life. What did it take for a man like Jacob to contend with God - hunger and desperation. The greatest breakthrough you could every contend for is living at an increasingly growing measure of His presence in your life. 
All else is dung, as Apostle Paul righty points out in Philippians 3, compared to progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him. Your greatest challenge, your greatest Esau could only be a set up by God to bring you into a deeper, intimate walk with Him, where your destiny becomes clear in the light of His face.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Contending For Breakthrough Part 1

May God calibrate your heart to His beat as you read this! 
       Genesis 32 begins with Jacob meeting the angels of God and calls that place Mahanaim, meaning camp of armed hosts. Soon after he sends his servants to greet Esau, the brother he fled from twenty years earlier. But terror and distress overtake Jacob when his servants bring the news that Esau is on his way to meet him along with four hundred men. Jacob may have been cunning and deceitful as his name suggests, but he had every reason to fear his brother...
        Every first born hebrew male was entitled to a double portion of his father's inheritance. Esau hated his brother Jacob for taking away his birthright and his blessing. But the account in Genesis 25 states it was Esau who sold his birthright to Jacob in a desperate attempt to satisfy his hunger pangs for a bowl of stew. Esau shifted his eyes from the reward God had for him and gave into the momentary pleasures of his flesh. Oh the pointlessness of such momentary pleasures! The bible says in Genesis 25:34, "Esau scorned his birthright as beneath his notice". Esau sold his birthright for very cheap. How much you value something, determines the cost you are willing to pay for it. What Esau despised and sold for cheap became Jacob's gain. On Rebekah's insistence in Genesis 27, he even succeeded in gaining Esau's blessings from his father Isaac. This started the family feud and Esau hated his brother Jacob and determined to kill him (Genesis 27:41). Thereon from Genesis 28 to 32, Jacob left home in Beersheba and travelled toward Haran and raised his family. 
       Once again the memory of all that transpired so many years ago between Jacob and his brother comes to the forefront when Jacob's servants bring him the news of his brother coming with four hundred men to meet him. The fear of Esau smiting his wives and children, grips Jacob. What must he do, what can he do, what should he do.....we always have a choice to either be paralyzed by fear or face our fears and do the impossible.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Awesome God awaken our hearts

If the rivers clap their hands and the hills sing for joy at the awesomeness of our God, what do you think stops us from expressing our heart towards Him? Ask Him to awaken your heart to the fullness of His Majesty & Splendor....
He is Awesome indeed! 
Psalm 98:7-8

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Pastor Bill Johnson often says: "Serve with the heart of a king and rule with the heart of a servant". Let's make that our lifestyle...

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Why Glory Room?

And you may think why the name "Glory Room"? It is a space we are creating where we can share our insights and experiences with The Lord with all of you so that we can all grow together. It is a Room in satellite space where we will explore our Glory experiences so that HE may be glorified even more. Glory is multiplication of His Presence and even as we send these posts out to you - you will become hotspots for the glory of God. Myles Munroe rightly puts it this way "If we want to see the glory of God we must live in the presence of God".
We begin from Bethel, Redding - great place to start. Bethel in the Bible was a place where Jacob met with the Angel of God and was changed forever. His name was changed and God sealed Him as a nation - imagine you as a man or woman of God becoming into a nation or even a city. People will talk about you like this - 'Hey Natasha is now known as India or Kim is now known as Manipur.' Wow! Jacob was left with a limp - physically and spiritually undone by The Lord. How about you being totally wrecked and undone by His Presence? We would like that to happen to all of us! When this happens - we will live in constant obedience to His voice and forever yielding to His Presence, available to Him for the destiny He has purposed for us.
Our prayer is that Glory Room will become a place for all of us to hang out where we will see the Grace of the Father lavishly being poured out on each one; where we will see the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Bride and where we will have the constant indwelling of the Holy Spirit - our comforter and counsellor on earth!
We love you all and may we all see Him in His Glory,
Manisha & Natasha